Friday, October 17, 2014

Charity Spam Leaked Into LinkedIn (2)

For the longest time, Facebook doled out a stream of spam and was not quite like, but was second to, how MySpace was several years ago: terrible.  Spam comes in steadily on Twitter, as I get followed by whoever with avatars of a cute woman, but whose tweets are nonsense, advertisement or quasi-porn.  Gmail is the best at filtering spam, but in the last week two or three have leaked through.  LinkedIn is as good as Google, but spammers are apparently small or clever enough now, I suppose, to slip through the sieve. 

Recently I wrote Money Spam Leaked Into LinkedIn, and clearly spammers still find a way to leak in:

What is it about these spammers' request that we e-mail them back, instead of responding directly to their message on this site?  It's one of the easy telltale signs that we have to delete or report the message.

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