Wednesday, May 28, 2014

H+ Chapter 8: Full Circles (Episodes 43-48)

Northern California, USA - 2 weeks before it happened
While rallying his troops, Jason's mechanical body brace gives out and he is unable to move his arms and legs. He turns to someone he considers a trusted friend for help.
Actor Sean Gunn does a very deft robot 'dance,' as his poorly maintained brace and corrupted software break down.

Southern Alaska, USA - 1 year after it happened
Kenneth, Simona and Francesca reach the Alaska Data Center, but there is a surprise waiting for them there.
Even a highly digitized world requires an arduous trek through rocky Alaskan terrain and leads to human intrigue and rage.

Hamburg, Germany - 3 years before it happened
Topi chases Manta into a German subway station desperate to have her hear his one plea.
"I understand everything now, the chip, the mistakes. You don't need to be ashamed. I can help."

The Vatican, Italy - 2 years after it happened
Topi crashes into where Gurveer is hiding with Vadish...he carries a desperately sick Manta. Gurveer knows what is causing Manta such pain.
"The child can [help Manta], but she won't be the person you fell in love with." "Simona!" the child says.

Western Ireland - 30 minutes before it happened
Breanna's relationship with Gonall reaches a breaking point, as secrets past and present are unearthed.
I don't want Breanna to jump off the sharp, rocky cliff.  Then she gets a call: "Kenneth?"

Our world - when it happened
At the data center, Kenneth has something else up his sleeve for Jason. In a flashback to the moment of the massive virus attack, we find clues to the deeper cause.
One force launched the virus attack, another works to rid the people of it, and we are in the midst of a classic human standoff. 

Thank you for reading, and let me know what you think!

Ron Villejo, PhD

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